Founder & Facilitator
Sara Lavoie
Sara was born and raised in the Peace Country. Horses were her safe place as a kid and her therapy as an adult.
"Helping people is what I do, it's why I want to give back and provide the gift of horses to others."
Sara believes that anyone can be the positive change they need in their own lives.

Founder & Director of Marketing
Kenneth Smyth
Ken grew up on a mixed farm in southeastern Saskatchewan. Horses were a daily part of life - working cattle, riding fence and summer trail rides.
"Horses always provided me a place of peace and quiet when I needed it, and also challenged me to step up and be better when I needed that!"
Ken believes that on the other side of fear is greatness, and to cross that line with his horse made it easier.
The Horses

Chansey is a 26 year young, Apendix Quarter Horse gelding and was born into our family. He came up from Logandale, Nevada, USA in 1998.
Chansey has done it all, from ranch work to trick riding to rodeo queen extraordinaire.
Chansey is honest and kind, but will let you know if he is not happy!
Teacher of: confidence
Motto: "Git Er Done!"

Bo, AKA BoBo Rotten Tail, is a 13 - year - old Quarter Horse gelding.
Bo has been in our family since he was weaned and is most definitely our class clown.
Bo can always be found fooling around or getting into mischief.
Teacher of: patience
Motto: "Did I do that?"

Hottie is our only female teacher. She is a Quarter Horse mare and a lady never tells her age!
Hottie is slower to trust people than her male counterparts, but once she does, it's forever!
Hottie lives with many health issues, but she has a huge heart, and always tries her best. Her vet can't believe how resilient she is.
Teacher of: kindness
Motto: "It takes courage to be kind."

Gus is a roughly 20 - year - old Paint gelding.
We have only had Gus in our family a few short months, so we don't know a lot about him. But what we do know, is he is a lover, not a hater.
Teacher of: trust
Motto: "Trust me, and I will trust you."

Leo is our newest teacher. He is a 15 year old Gypsy Vanner gelding.
Leo's previous life was spent in a loving family teaching his kids to ride and look after horses.
Teacher of: persistence
Motto: Lead from the heart, not the head